
Bedford Accuses Biden of Inaction Amid College Protest Chaos, Boosts Trump

Sarah Bedford, writing for The Washington Examiner, asserted recently that President Joe Biden has taken no discernible action to quell the unrest in the United States, particularly evident on college campuses. She contends that Biden's passivity has allowed former President Donald Trump to seize control of the narrative. 

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As demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians persist, some, such as those at Columbia University, have escalated into violence. Bedford argues that Biden's seeming indifference to the resulting chaos has handed Trump a strategic advantage.

In an appearance on Fox News's Your World with Neil Cavuto, Bedford suggested that Biden appears to prioritize avoiding discord with the minority faction of the Democratic Party concentrated in pivotal swing states, rather than demonstrating effective leadership in addressing the situation. She posits that Biden's reluctance to take a firm stance against the protesters could alienate voters who oppose the disorder at these demonstrations.

Additionally, Bedford believes that Biden risks alienating centrist voters in other states by seeking to appease a small segment of the Democratic Party that does not necessarily represent their views. According to Bedford, the majority of Americans do not sympathize with Hamas and stand in support of Israel, potentially leading Biden to lose support by catering to this faction.

Amidst these protests, Trump has urged Biden to condemn the violence and anti-Semitism unfolding. This echoes a statement Biden made in 2020 criticizing Trump's handling of the Black Lives Matter protests and riots. At a campaign event in Wisconsin, Trump commended members of the New York Police Department for their response to protesting college students at Columbia University, lauding them for their "incredible job."

Written by Staff Reports

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