
Biden Administration Targets Credit Card Rewards Hurting American Families During Inflation Crisis

Millions of hardworking American families rely on credit card rewards to help pay for important things like groceries, gas, and school supplies. However, the Biden administration is up to no good, teaming up with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Department of Transportation (DOT) to target credit card and airline reward programs. But who are they really protecting? Certainly not the American people! This is just another way the government is trying to control our lives and support big businesses like Walmart, Target, and Amazon.

Don’t be fooled by the Biden administration’s tactics. They’re pushing a harmful credit card bill that could hurt everyday Americans, especially with inflation on the rise. The CFPB is spreading misinformation, claiming rewards programs are not valuable, when in reality, Americans have earned over $40 billion in rewards in 2022 alone. These rewards are a lifeline for families, with ownership of rewards cards increasing across all income levels.

Despite what the CFPB says, most people find rewards programs easy to use and highly valuable. In fact, a recent report found that 96% of cardholders appreciate their rewards program. So why is the government trying to mess with a good thing? The American Bankers Association agrees that rewards are beneficial for consumers of all income levels.

Conservative leaders are speaking out against Senators Durbin and Marshall for their shady tactics. It’s clear they are just trying to punish anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda. Stand up against these unfair government mandates and support the freedom to use your credit card rewards as you see fit!

Written by Staff Reports

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