
Biden Aide With Hamas Ties Joins National Security Council

In a shocking discovery, Maher Bitar, a former member of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), has found a place within President Joe Biden’s National Security Council. Bitar’s background with SJP, known for its anti-Israel stance and ties to Hamas, along with his work at UNRWA, which has been accused of aiding Hamas, raises serious concerns about his influence on national security policies. 


SJP, described as a violent student organization against Jews by experts, has faced expulsion from several campuses for its support of Hamas and anti-Israel activities. Additionally, UNRWA has been linked to Hamas, with reports suggesting that some employees openly affiliate with terrorist groups. These troubling connections have led to multiple countries suspending funding for UNRWA.

Despite his controversial ties, Bitar has risen through the ranks to become a key figure in the National Security Council. His appointment has raised questions about the influence of individuals with questionable affiliations in shaping the country’s defense and intelligence policies. The decision to bring Bitar into such a critical role demonstrates a lack of judgment on the part of the Biden administration.

It is essential to maintain strict standards when appointing individuals to positions of power, especially in matters of national security. Bitar’s associations with organizations accused of supporting terrorism should have disqualified him from serving in the NSC. The decision to overlook his past raises concerns about the administration’s commitment to upholding national security interests.

In light of these revelations, it is crucial for the American public to remain vigilant and hold government officials accountable for their appointments. National security should not be compromised by individuals with questionable backgrounds and affiliations. The Biden administration must address these concerns and ensure that individuals with a history of supporting anti-Israel and terrorist activities are not given positions of influence in the government.

Written by Staff Reports

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