
Biden Approval Plummets to 37.4% as Critics Call for New Democratic Nominee

President Joe Biden’s net approval rating has reached a new low, according to recent polling data. The average approval rating for his administration dipped to 37.4%, while his disapproval rating rose to 56.8%. This means that his net negative approval rating stands at 19.4 percentage points.

Critics of Biden have been quick to seize on this decline in popularity. Some have even suggested that he should not seek a second term in office, arguing that the Democratic Party would have been better served by allowing a primary process to unfold.

Despite the negative polling numbers, President Biden has projected confidence on the campaign trail, emphasizing the progress that has been made under his administration. He has also highlighted the grassroots support his campaign has received, citing the contributions of over 2 million individuals, the majority of whom contributed less than $200.

While Biden’s approval ratings have faltered, FiveThirtyEight’s election prognosticator tool still gives him a slight edge over former President Donald Trump in potential election scenarios. However, it’s been noted that this edge has slightly decreased in recent projections.

The polling data may be a cause for concern for the Biden administration, as they aim to maintain their momentum leading up to the 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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