
Biden Campaign Invests $25M to Boost Black Voter Turnout Amid Declining Enthusiasm

A recent study by Washington Post-Ipsos found that fewer black voters are feeling motivated to vote in the 2024 general election than in 2020, which may be concerning for President Joe Biden. The survey revealed that 62% of black voters expressed absolute certainty in voting, a decline from the 74% who felt the same in June 2020. In response to this trend, Biden’s campaign has announced a $25 million investment aimed at engaging key voter demographics, particularly in battleground states.

The survey also highlighted a decrease in enthusiasm among younger black voters, with only 41% of individuals aged 18-39 stating that they are certain to participate in the upcoming election. Conversely, older black voters are exhibiting a higher likelihood of voting, with 88% of those over the age of 65 expressing their intention to vote, a 1 percentage point increase from 2020.

In a hypothetical match-up between Biden and former President Donald Trump, the survey indicated that 74% of black registered voters would “definitely” or “probably” support Biden, while only 14% expressed the same level of support for Trump. Additionally, 20% of respondents stated that they would back independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. when considering third-party options.

Despite the decline in voter enthusiasm, approximately 60% of black voters maintain a favorable view of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Furthermore, respondents generally perceive Biden more favorably than Trump on issues related to race, with a majority expressing unfavorable views of the former president and perceiving him as biased against black people.

In terms of party affiliation, the study noted a decrease in certainty to vote among black Democrats, with 76% expressing absolute certainty for the upcoming election, down from 84% in 2020. Vice President Harris recently embarked on an economic tour in Atlanta to promote the president’s economic assistance initiatives geared towards black voters.

The results of the survey underscore potential challenges for President Biden’s reelection efforts, particularly in mobilizing and engaging black voters, especially among younger demographics.

Written by Staff Reports

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