
Biden Eyes Resettling Gaza Palestinians in US Amid Conflict

The White House, under the Biden administration, is reportedly looking into the possibility of accepting Palestinians from Gaza as refugees amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The internal documents obtained by CBS News reveal discussions among senior officials about resettling Palestinians from Gaza who have family ties to American citizens or permanent residents.

Plans are being explored to bring Palestinians into the United States under the United States Refugee Admissions Program as a way to provide refuge to those affected by the turmoil in Gaza. Top U.S. officials have also considered assisting more Palestinians to leave Gaza and process them as refugees, provided they have American relatives. However, coordinating with Egypt for this initiative has faced roadblocks as Egypt has been hesitant to welcome large numbers of Gaza residents.

Potential Palestinian refugees would have to undergo security and medical screenings before being allowed entry into the United States. They would have access to benefits such as permanent residency, housing assistance, and a pathway to American citizenship. Despite challenges estimating exact numbers, reports suggest a high death toll and displacement of Palestinians due to the Gaza conflict.

The United States has historically resettled a relatively small number of Palestinian refugees, focusing more on aiding refugees from global regions experiencing violence and turmoil. The proposed shift in policy to accommodate more Palestinian refugees marks a significant departure from past practices. The State Department revealed that in the past fiscal year, only a minimal percentage of overall refugees resettled in the U.S. were Palestinian.

The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department have refrained from commenting on the potential plans to bring in Palestinian refugees. This development underscores a potential change in the U.S. refugee program’s approach and priorities. With ongoing discussions and considerations, the White House’s stance on accepting Palestinian refugees from Gaza remains a topic of interest and debate.

Written by Staff Reports

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