
Biden Grants Fast Track Status to 500,000 Illegal Immigrants

Joe Biden and his never-ending quest to feed the Democrat voter base have struck again. This time, he’s rolling out the red carpet for half a million illegal immigrants married to U.S. citizens, letting them bypass the typical process and grab immediate legal status from the comfort of their American homes. No need to pack their bags and return to their countries anymore – Biden’s got their backs.

The White House spun this as a family-friendly move, a stark contrast to the strict border policies of former President Donald Trump, who had the audacity to enforce immigration laws. Sure, Trump’s administration separated families as they crossed the border illegally, but Biden’s approach? Hand out citizenship like it’s Halloween candy and hope for a blue wave at the polls.

With this new “parole in place” program, some 500,000 illegal immigrants and 50,000 of their kids get a fast track to work permits and a three-year window to apply for permanent status. Imagine that – a get-out-of-jail-free card for breaking the law. Republicans aren’t fooled, calling it what it is: amnesty. They warn this move will spark yet another parade of illegal crossings as word of Biden’s open-border bonanza spreads.

Conservatives rightly see this as Biden’s latest stunt to win favor with Hispanic activists and the liberal base disappointed by any hint of Trumpian border toughness in his policies. Community leaders predict this will pay off on Election Day, with grateful illegal immigrants and their families rushing to support Democrats. What better way to bolster a failing administration than by importing a new crop of future voters?

This program promises to expedite status changes for those willing to exploit the system and outlast the slow gears of immigration bureaucracy. Biden assures it’s all in the name of keeping families together – as long as those families add to the Democrat tally when it counts. Critics forecast legal challenges galore, noting the stretched limits of Biden’s executive authority. After all, parole powers are intended for case-by-case scenarios, not a broad stroke of the pen granting mass forgiveness.

This sweetheart deal coincided with the anniversary of DACA, another program that pushed legal boundaries to shield young illegal immigrants from deportation. Obama’s DACA helped secure Hispanic votes for his re-election, and Biden’s recycling the formula in his own bid for approval. But questions remain about the cost, efficiency, and impact on public resources. No one at the ceremony seemed prepared to address those.

Biden has consistently used “parole” to sidestep Congress, ushering in unauthorized migrants left and right – from Afghans and Ukrainians to an array of nationalities crashing the southern border. His current method of parole-in-place has presidents past rolling in their graves as it ditches the case-by-case discretion for a blanket policy.

Republicans highlight the end game: convert illegal aliens into Democratic voters. Sen. Cruz lays it out bluntly: Biden views these migrants as ballots in the making. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign draws a clear line from Biden’s sanctuary policies to the spike in tragic crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The cost to taxpayers, the strain on public services, and the siphoning of Social Security and Medicare benefits are the predictable, disastrous consequences.

Biden’s latest ploy – dressed in humanitarian rhetoric – lacks foresight and respect for law-abiding Americans. He reaches for emotional appeal while glossing over the real impacts and moral hazards of his approach. Welcome to Biden’s America where the only borders that matter are those on the electoral map.

Written by Staff Reports

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