
Biden Shields Swamp: Paves Way for Deep State Dominance!

Once more, the Biden administration has failed! President Joe Biden finalized a set of regulations that could safeguard the employment of millions of federal employees, an action that has conservatives in disbelief. You may be wondering at this point, "Protection of jobs sounds fantastic; what's the issue?" Seize your headwear, for this is a classic illustration of the Washington swamp protecting itself.

President Biden asserts that by preventing partisan interference and combating corruption, these new regulations will enable civil servants to perform their duties. People, however, let's call a spade a spade. This is merely a pretentious effort to maintain the deep state's suffocation of the federal bureaucracy, thereby impeding a Republican president from undertaking substantive measures to purge corruption.

The Heritage Foundation-led Project 2025 approaches this matter with unwavering determination. They are denouncing the Biden administration and its allies in the deep state, proclaiming that reform is urgently required. Do you know what else? They are entirely correct! The unwieldy and bloated administrative state requires depoliticization, streamlining, and right-sizing. However, the Biden administration is steadfastly defending the deep state and burrowing in its heels.

A classic confrontation between the Left and the Right, this issue at hand. For good reason, the demand for a reduced federal government has been a cornerstone of contemporary conservatism. However, since President Trump declared his intention to "destroy" the deep state should he be re-elected, the lines of battle have been clearly defined. The entrenched bureaucracy has been the target of the Trump administration's every effort, beginning with the Russia investigation and continuing through the January 6 Capitol explosion.

The National Treasury Employees Union applauds the strengthened safeguards surrounding the merit-based civil service as it applauds Biden's announcement. However, let us not be duped, society. This serves as an additional strategy employed by the left to safeguard the deep state's impregnability, notwithstanding the possibility of an electoral triumph for Trump in November.

The Washington Examiner has attempted to obtain a response from the Trump campaign; however, the deep state defenders have thus far refrained from commenting. It is not a secret that President Trump has been an outspoken advocate for limiting the federal government's size and influence, and the left is trembling at the prospect of another term.

Ultimately, the crux of the matter is accountability. In his book "The Courage to be Free," Governor Ron DeSantis eloquently described the perils of a federal establishment that is essentially impervious to election outcomes. We must not permit the deep state to maintain its ability to deceive us. Instead of being utilized as a weapon against the American people, the federal personnel must be answerable to them.

Thus, in anticipation of the implementation of the new regulation the following month, conservatives nationwide are preparing for a confrontation. Will the deep state prevail, or will President Trump have the capacity to permanently cleanse the swamp? Undoubtedly, time will tell, but one thing is certain: the struggle for the federal government's essence is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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