
Biden Silent on Border Chaos as GOP Demands Action at SOTU!

President Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address is causing quite the stir among conservative lawmakers, as the pressure mounts for the Commander-in-Chief to address the crisis at the southern border. The tragic death of nursing student Laken Riley at the hands of Venezuelan immigrant, Jose Ibarra, has added fuel to the fire, sparking demands for Biden to acknowledge her senseless murder during his speech.

Republican Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana didn’t hold back in his scathing letter to Biden, calling out the President’s failure to prioritize the safety and security of American citizens. He urged Biden to take swift action to secure the border, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the surge in crime as a result of the administration’s lax border policies.

The White House remained mum on the matter, leaving conservatives fuming as they ramp up their efforts to hold Biden accountable for the crisis. The tragic incident has reignited the heated debate over illegal immigration and has driven Republicans to advocate for the reinstatement of Trump-era border security measures.

In a powerful display of unity, Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia led a moment of silence on the House floor to honor Riley’s memory. He also introduced the Laken Riley Act, a legislative proposal designed to compel U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain immigrants facing criminal charges such as theft or burglary.

Collins minced no words in highlighting the devastating consequences of the administration’s border policies, asserting that had it not been for their negligence, Riley would still be alive today, pursuing her dreams. He called for accountability and implored the House to swiftly consider and pass the Laken Riley Act in her honor.

Adding to the pressure, reports revealed that Ibarra, Riley’s assailant, had a history of run-ins with law enforcement, including a parole policy that allowed his temporary release into the country. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas conceded that immigration officials were not notified of Ibarra’s encounters with the law, further fueling the conservative crusade for stricter immigration enforcement.

The National Republican Congressional Committee rallied their support behind Riley’s cause, launching an ad placing the blame squarely on Biden and his border policies for the surge in crime committed by illegal immigrants. As the debate intensifies, the southern border has emerged as a hot-button issue, with former President Donald Trump poised to exploit it in his bid to secure the GOP presidential nomination.

Trump’s recent remarks at the southern border underscored his commitment to highlighting the harrowing consequences of Biden’s policies, vowing to remember Riley’s name and stand up for her. In response, Biden pushed back, deflecting the criticism onto Congress and urging them to pass legislation to bolster border security.

As the political showdown unfolds, the nation braces itself for a contentious battle over immigration and border security, with the impending State of the Union address poised to be a pivotal moment in the ongoing conservative crusade against the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis.

Written by Staff Reports

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