
Biden’s Border Blunder: Now Begging for Wall They Once Trashed!

The Biden Administration has finally come to its senses and admitted the “immediate need” for a border wall to tackle the border crisis it so recklessly created. After years of denying the effectiveness of border barriers, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is now calling for the construction of a wall along the Texas border. It’s a classic case of flip-flopping policy that we’ve come to expect from this administration.

Despite previously condemning the use of walls, Mayorkas now claims that there is a pressing need for physical barriers to prevent unlawful entries into the United States. It’s astonishing how quickly they change their tune when faced with the reality of the situation. But don’t worry, they’re not letting principles stand in the way – they’re even planning to waive 26 federal laws, including laws protecting clean air, safe drinking water, and endangered species, in order to get the wall built. It’s truly a display of their disregard for the environment and our nation’s laws.

The Biden Administration halted border wall construction earlier this year, calling it a symbol of the previous administration’s “misplaced priorities.” But now they’re realizing that putting the safety and security of American citizens first should have been their priority all along. It’s just another example of their incompetence and lack of foresight.

Meanwhile, former President Trump’s warnings about the border crisis have once again been proven right. While he was tirelessly working to secure our borders, Biden and his team were busy undoing everything he had accomplished. And now, they’re scrambling to undo their own undoing. It’s a never-ending cycle of poor decision-making and weak leadership.

The consequences of the Biden Administration’s open border policies are dire. Millions of illegal migrants have flooded into our country, overwhelming our immigration system. Dangerous cartels are making billions of dollars from human trafficking, putting innocent lives at risk. Deadly drugs like fentanyl are pouring into our communities, causing deaths and devastation. It’s a complete failure of their duty to protect American citizens.

To make matters worse, the Biden Administration’s lax approach to border enforcement is evident in the data. They are turning a lower percentage of border-crossing migrants back into Mexico compared to the previous administration. Border Patrol agents are grappling with record-high surges of illegal aliens, making it clear that Biden’s promises of a safe, orderly, and humane approach to migration were nothing more than empty words.

The numbers don’t lie. In August alone, Border Patrol agents made 181,509 arrests at the Mexican border, a 37% increase from the previous month. This is the result of the Biden Administration’s misguided policies and refusal to take responsibility for the crisis they created.

It’s time for the Biden Administration to step up, secure our borders, and put the safety and security of American citizens first. The need for a border wall should never have been denied or dismissed. It’s a shame that it took them this long to realize the error of their ways. We can only hope that they learn from their mistakes and start prioritizing the well-being of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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