Joe Biden recently resurfaced for an interview, presumably to distract folks from the fact that he has been unceremoniously bumped out of the 2024 presidential race. Instead of hiding away, he decided to chirp about the possibility of a post-election tantrum from Donald Trump. According to Biden, if Trump loses in November, Americans should prepare for a chaotic scene worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster rather than a calm transition of power. Who knew the typically mild-mannered Biden was secretly a doomsday prophet?
In his recent chat on CBS News, Biden, ever the smooth talker, exhibited a remarkable lack of confidence in Trump’s ability to accept defeat graciously. His worry seems less about whether America will uphold democracy and more about whether Trump will throw a political tantrum. When Biden proclaimed his skepticism about Trump’s acceptance of election results, one could almost hear Trump fans chuckling at the irony: an incumbent president who grappled with a similar situation not too long ago worried about the reactions of his political rival.
Biden Says If Trump Loses Election, There Won't Be a Peaceful Transfer of Power— (@townhallcom) August 8, 2024
Biden claimed the public was taking Trump’s ominous “bloodbath” comments lightly. Apparently, the ex-president’s remarks about economic policies have sparked an overblown media frenzy, with left-leaning outlets labeling these comments as a literal threat. But when didn’t Biden and his party play fast and loose with language to fit their narrative? In an age where words are weaponized, the “bloodbath” alarmism from Democrats seems a rehearsed act designed to drum up hysteria. At the same time, Trump remains focused on the economy rather than orchestrating an uprising.
Not to be overshadowed by his alarming implications, Biden took a moment to wax poetic about patriotism—that admirable quality of putting country above political wins. The irony drips, however, considering his own party’s history of contesting elections and pursuing delusional recounts. It’s rich that the man who has spent a good chunk of his career as a political elite now pretends to occupy the moral high ground while accusing others of being sore losers. Where was this sage wisdom when his party was busy pushing the Russia narrative for four years?
Biden’s reemergence marks a critical moment, certainly not for him, but for the Democratic party. If Harris, having taken over Biden’s former role, indeed carries the torch for 2024. One has to wonder about the future of the Democratic agenda as Biden fumbles through his comments like a hamster on a wheel. In the grand scheme of politics, where nothing is truly sacred, the fact that this continual cycle of blame and accusation is coming from an administration already mired in turmoil only serves to fuel the fire of distrust between party lines while solidifying Trump’s grip on his base. As Thanksgiving approaches, one can only hope the turkey isn’t served with a side of political drama.