In a surprising turn of events, an Alaska man has succumbed to the rare and deadly disease known as Alaskapox. This disease, which was identified nine years ago, has only affected seven individuals, none of whom were fatalities. The man lived in the Kenai Peninsula, a region located 500 miles south of Fairbanks, where all previous cases had been concentrated.
Strange New Pox Arises Out of US Wilderness, Claims First Victim via @WestJournalism
According to Falk Huettmann, a biologist from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the occurrence of this new case should not come as a shock. He explains, “If you know the reality of diseases and the history of diseases, we shouldn’t be surprised. Everything is possible by now.” With a touch of humor, it seems that nothing can surprise the scientific community anymore.
The deceased individual was described as elderly with a compromised immune system. He, like the others infected near Fairbanks, resided in a wooded area where contact with small mammals was likely. The Alaska Department of Health has stated that the disease is carried by small mammals, specifically the red-backed vole. The man reported caring for a stray cat that had been hunting in the nearby forest and had scratched him multiple times. It is suspected that the voles and other mammals in Alaska may now be spreading the disease.
The previous Alaskapox cases were relatively mild, causing only fevers and fatigue that resolved within a few weeks without hospitalization. However, this unfortunate death marks the first time the disease has proven fatal. Julia Rogers, a state epidemiologist, reassures the public that there is no evidence of person-to-person transmission at this time. Symptoms of Alaskapox include skin lesions, swollen lymph nodes, and joint or muscle pain.
Alaskapox may have initially been identified in Alaska, but experts like Link Olson, curator of mammals at the University of Alaska Museum of the North, believe that the disease could extend beyond the state’s borders. Olson suggests that the disease might be present in the boreal forest, which stretches all the way to Canada’s east coast. The potential for further discovery of this rare virus highlights the importance of continued research and vigilance in monitoring wildlife diseases.
As always, it’s good to stay informed about such developments, but perhaps you might want to reconsider that vacation in the great Alaskan wilderness for now. Safety first, after all!