
Border Crisis Escalates Due to Biden’s Inaction and Open Border Policies

The crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, caused by President Joe Biden and his administration’s failure to act, continues to be a major problem. Border agents are struggling to handle the overwhelming number of illegal aliens entering the country due to Biden’s lack of leadership. The open border and the surge of illegal aliens have led to millions of “gotaways,” people who successfully slipped past the border without detection. The situation is made worse by the lack of resources and an administration that is not taking any meaningful steps to discourage illegal immigration.

The border agents are so overwhelmed that some illegal aliens, tired of waiting to be apprehended, resorted to calling a Lyft and leaving on their own. This demonstrates the dire state of the border and the difficulties faced by law enforcement in managing the situation. The Lyft driver who picked up the illegal aliens may have knowingly committed a federal crime by transporting them.

Despite attempts by House Republicans to secure the border and reinstate policies from the previous administration that effectively controlled the number of illegal aliens, Biden and Senate Democrats are blocking these efforts. Additionally, Biden, who used his executive powers to undo secure border policies, now claims there is nothing he can do to address the crisis. This refusal to acknowledge the real problem and reliance on legislative action only prolongs the crisis.

Written by Staff Reports

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