
Churches Fight Back: Upholding Values Against LGBT Bullying

In a recent ruling, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed the right of religious institutions to make employment decisions in line with their beliefs. The case involved two employees of Roncalli High School, a Catholic school in Indianapolis, who were fired after entering into same-sex marriages. The court held that the school had the right to terminate their employment, as their actions were contrary to the school’s religious mission.

This ruling is part of a broader trend of cases making their way to the Supreme Court, which aim to protect the rights of religious institutions to hire employees who share their values. It is a crucial battle for freedom of religion and the ability of churches to maintain their identity and uphold their beliefs.

One such case currently heading to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals involves Lonnie Billard, a substitute teacher who was fired by Charlotte Catholic High School for announcing his engagement to his male partner. The school argued that his same-sex marriage was inconsistent with Catholic teaching, and therefore, they had the right to terminate his employment.

Critics of the Roncalli and Charlotte Catholic cases argue that these institutions are engaging in discrimination. They claim that it is unfair for religious organizations to refuse employment to individuals based on their sexual orientation or same-sex marriages. However, these arguments miss the point entirely.

Religious institutions have the right to expect their employees to live according to the teachings and values of that religion. This is not discrimination; it is a matter of religious freedom. Just as a Jewish organization should not be forced to admit neo-Nazis or gay neo-Nazis, Catholic schools should not be required to employ individuals who openly defy Catholic moral teaching.

Furthermore, these cases raise the issue of scandal within religious communities. When individuals in positions of power openly flaunt behavior that is contrary to their religious teachings, it can lead others to believe that such behavior is acceptable. This is a grave offense and undermines the integrity and mission of the religious institution.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is handling the appeal in the Billard case, argues for the right of religious organizations to engage in “expressive association.” This means that religious institutions should have the freedom to associate and hire employees who share their beliefs without interference from the state.

The battle for religious freedom is not just about protecting the rights of the Catholic Church; it is about safeguarding the rights of all religious organizations. If religious institutions are forced to employ individuals who openly defy their beliefs, they are effectively being compelled to endorse a view that they fundamentally disagree with. This sets a dangerous precedent and opens the door for further attacks on religious freedom.

In conclusion, the recent court rulings are a victory for religious freedom and the rights of churches to maintain their values without being bullied by LGBT activists. These cases highlight the importance of protecting the rights of religious institutions to make employment decisions in line with their beliefs. It is crucial for the Supreme Court to uphold these rulings and ensure that religious freedom is preserved for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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