
Debate Co-founder Claims Biden Camp Pressured CNN to Exclude RFK Jr.

The co-founder of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank Fahrenkopf, accused President Joe Biden’s campaign of pressuring CNN to keep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of the upcoming debate on June 27. Fahrenkopf also suggested that Kennedy might take legal action if this was found to violate Federal Election Commission rules. Although he did not confirm a violation, Fahrenkopf mentioned his surprise at the situation and speculated that Kennedy might pursue a lawsuit.

Kennedy, who had initially sought the Democratic nomination but later ran as an independent, has faced criticism for potentially siphoning votes away from Biden. President Trump has labeled Kennedy as a “Democrat plant,” and Biden has sought support from the Kennedy family, who endorsed him over their own relative.

Kennedy had previously expressed confidence in meeting the criteria to participate in the CNN debate, but he currently falls short of meeting CNN’s requirements, which include obtaining at least 15% in four national polls and qualifying for enough state ballots to reach 270 electoral votes. Fahrenkopf pointed out that only a few states have completed the ballot access process, making it difficult for Kennedy to fulfill the requirement before the debate.

Fahrenkopf also suggested that Kennedy might circumvent the ballot access restriction by joining the Libertarian Party, which would grant him access to the ballots in every state. However, Kennedy still needs to meet the 15% polling cutoff, which he has about a month to achieve. The article also mentioned that Biden and Trump have opted for independent debates, pulling out of CPD-sponsored debates.

Written by Staff Reports

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