
Democrats Attack Hogan’s Bipartisanship Claims in Senate Race

Senate Democrats are not on board with Larry Hogan’s image as an independent thinker who doesn’t play partisan politics. After winning the Republican and Democratic nominations for Maryland’s open Senate seat, Hogan’s critics are working to portray him as a “MAGA Republican” who poses a threat to Democratic Senate control and abortion rights.

Senator Gary Peters, a Democrat from Michigan, expressed concern that a vote for Hogan could lead to a Republican majority in the Senate. Likewise, Angela Alsobrooks, the Democratic nominee for Senate from Prince George’s County, accused Hogan of aligning with Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party led by Donald Trump, warning that a Hogan victory could jeopardize abortion rights.

Democrats fear that a Maryland Senate seat flipping to the Republicans for the first time since 1980 could tip the Senate majority in favor of the GOP. Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, echoed these concerns, emphasizing that voting for Hogan would mean putting “MAGA Republicans in charge” of the Senate.

In response to these attacks, Hogan assured his Democratic and independent supporters of his history of finding common ground across party lines. He urged voters to dismiss the political attacks and fear-mongering, particularly regarding abortion, reaffirming his commitment to protecting reproductive rights.

While Hogan has opposed national abortion bans, he has not specified which protections he would endorse. Kari Lake, a Republican Senate candidate from Arizona and a supporter of Donald Trump, congratulated Hogan on his nomination, stressing the need for party unity to win over independents and Democrats.

However, the Senate Majority PAC, aligned with Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, criticized Hogan’s alleged stance on abortion, suggesting that he could potentially vote for a national abortion ban if the Republicans gain the majority.

Overall, Senate Democrats are casting doubt on Hogan’s claims of independence and bipartisanship, seeking to link him with the Republican Party and its agenda, particularly regarding abortion.

Written by Staff Reports

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