
GOP Members Push for Trump to Receive Congressional Gold Medal

A group of Republican members of Congress is pushing to give former President Donald Trump a big award for his strong leadership and hard work to make America’s friendships with other countries stronger. The award they want to give him is called the Congressional Gold Medal, which is a very special honor.

The leader of this group, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna from Florida, believes that President Trump deserves this award because he worked very bravely to make America more respected around the world. She said that it is important to give the award to people who have helped our country a lot, and President Trump definitely did that.

Other Republican members of Congress, like Rep. Mike Waltz, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Rep. Andy Ogles, and Rep. Randy Weber, are also supporting the idea to give the award to President Trump.

Some Republicans feel that President Trump did a lot of good things for America during his time as president, like making sure our borders were safe and helping to make peace in the Middle East. They think he deserves this award more than any other president in their lifetime.

They point out that other important people, like the Dalai Lama and famous golfer Jack Nicklaus, have also received this award in the past, and they believe that President Trump should be honored in the same way.

But, even though the House of Representatives might agree to give the award to President Trump, it may be hard for the Senate to do the same. Some people think it’s unlikely that President Trump will get the award in the end.

Some Republicans have also tried other ways to show their support for President Trump, such as proposing to rename a big airport after him and coming to support him during a court case.

Overall, many Republicans believe that President Trump should be recognized for his hard work and strong leadership. They think he deserves the award more than anyone else, especially with the current issues facing the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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