
Doubt Surges: Americans Question DOJ’s Probe into Hunter Biden!

A new poll conducted by ABC News/Ipsos has revealed that a majority of Americans have lost confidence in the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden. The poll, conducted just days after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel in the ongoing probe, found that 48% of Americans are not confident that the investigation is being conducted in a fair and nonpartisan manner, while only 32% expressed confidence.

This lack of confidence comes on the heels of a failed plea deal for Hunter Biden in court last month. Prosecutors and Biden’s defense team could not agree on whether the deal offered Biden immunity from future charges, leading to a breakdown in negotiations. The appointment of a special counsel by Garland seems to be an attempt to salvage the investigation and maintain a semblance of credibility.

What is particularly concerning is that the liberal media has largely ignored the Hunter Biden scandal, yet the public is still becoming aware of the potential wrongdoing. National Review senior writer Noah Rothman pointed out that the poll shows the public is forming the view that something “untoward” happened, even without extensive media coverage. This demonstrates a growing skepticism and lack of trust in the Biden family.

It is clear that the American people are demanding transparency and accountability in this investigation. The appointment of a special counsel is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to restore faith in the justice system. The public deserves to know the truth about Hunter Biden’s alleged misconduct and any potential implications for his father, President Joe Biden.

Certainly, this poll serves as a strong indication that the American people are not buying into the media’s attempt to shield the Bidens from scrutiny. With the 2024 election on the horizon, it is crucial for the truth to come to light. The public’s faith in the justice system and our elected officials depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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