
Durham Exposes Truth: No Basis for FBI Trump-Russia Probe! Dems Squirm!

On Wednesday, Special Counsel John Durham testified on Capitol Hill to the House Judiciary Committee, discussing the findings of his investigation into the FBI’s politically charged Trump-Russia probe. Durham berated the FBI for using uncorroborated, politically-funded opposition research to open a sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump, thus making the Bureau untrustworthy in the eyes of the public. Durham criticized the FBI for too willingly accepting the dossier. Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC) asked Durham whether his investigation found that the Trump-Russia collusion investigation was warranted. To which Durham replied that there was “not a legitimate basis” for the probe, a massively divisive issue at the time for the country, exacerbated by Democrat lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) who continued to maintain for years that there was hard evidence of collusion.

Durham was also called on to answer strange questions from Democrat lawmakers. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) accused Durham of damaging his reputation by investigating the truth of the Trump-Russia hoax. Durham replied confidently, stating, “My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I’m perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir!” It is distressing to see Democrats continuing to ignore the clear political bias in the FBI investigation and attempt to discredit Durham’s findings. Finally, Durham insisted on accountability for the bureau’s behavior, saying that his team’s investigation uncovered sobering findings that are not susceptible to overnight fixes. Therefore, accountability is needed to restore the bureau’s trust in the public eye.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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