
Exposed: Biden’s Border Blunder Boosts National Risk!

In a shocking revelation that has conservative lawmakers up in arms, retired Border Patrol agent Christopher Harris is breaking his silence and exposing the serious vulnerabilities in the Biden administration’s border policies. With decades of law enforcement experience under his belt, Harris didn’t mince words when he told the Washington Examiner that the problem goes far beyond just releasing immigrants into the country. He pointed out serious concerns with the little vetting of those who cross the border illegally, leaving our nation vulnerable to unknown threats.

But fear not, patriots! Texas is leading the charge with progress on this front. The Lone Star State has granted authority to police to arrest those who are crossing the border illegally. Unfortunately, Arizona Republicans attempted to pass similar legislation, but Governor Katie Hobbs took executive action and vetoed the Alien Invasion Act. It’s clear whose side she’s on!

And if things weren’t dire enough, Harris also revealed that U.S. Border Patrol agents are leaving their jobs at an unprecedented rate. This means there are fewer heroes on the front lines standing between us and the influx of unknown individuals streaming across the border.

Harris didn’t hold back in his criticism of the Biden administration, insinuating that their actions are done with “malice and aforethought.” It’s a terrifying thought that this administration could be putting our national security at risk, and it’s about time someone called them out on it.

The retired agent has been actively discussing solutions, even meeting with Rep. Chip Roy to discuss tactics to work with Mexican authorities over the border crisis. Harris emphasized the nonpartisan nature of the issue, noting that this shouldn’t be a matter of political division but a matter of national security. Here’s hoping the message gets through to those in power.

As if things weren’t bad enough, immigration has dominated the 2024 election cycle, with the southern border having a significant impact on voters’ decisions. And with the surge in fake documents being used at the border, it’s clear that the situation is getting more dire by the day.

The tragic murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley at the hands of illegal immigrant Jose Ibarra further highlights the dangers of lax border policies. It’s shocking to learn that Ibarra was able to provide a false Venezuelan identification number to authorities, illustrating the lack of proper vetting and thorough background checks for those entering the country illegally.

Harris also sounded the alarm on the surge of individuals from first-world nations, questioning why they are claiming asylum in the United States. He raised concerns about the influx of Chinese nationals, particularly military-aged men, entering the country. And let’s not forget the alarming presence of Asian immigrants at the border, which has raised red flags for Harris.

But the concerns don’t stop there. Harris also voiced his worries about terrorists infiltrating the border, citing the presence of training centers for terrorist organizations in Mexico. It’s a chilling thought and a clear indication that our border security is facing threats that extend far beyond just illegal immigration.

While Texas has taken steps to address the crisis by granting law enforcement the authority to arrest and jail illegal immigrants, Arizona has vetoed similar measures. And with the Supreme Court temporarily barring Texas from implementing Senate Bill 4, it’s clear that the fight to secure our borders is full of obstacles.

As President Biden faces mounting pressure to address the surge in crime at the southern border, it seems that the nation will be closely watching his State of the Union address for any sign of new policies to tackle this escalating crisis. Let’s hope he steps up and takes action to protect our borders and ensure the safety of all Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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