
Georgia’s Justices Ditch Trump, Fuel Political Vendetta

In another blow to justice and common sense, Georgia’s Supreme Court has unanimously declined former President Trump’s petition to block the baseless investigation into alleged interference with the 2020 election results. It’s clear that the liberal activist judges are more interested in playing politics than upholding the law.

The decision, contained in a lengthy five-page opinion, criticized Trump’s legal team for daring to take their case directly to the top court. Apparently, according to these elitist judges, you have to jump through all the hoops and go through the lower courts before getting a chance to plead your case to the “supreme” ones. How convenient for them to set such rules that delay justice and hinder the ability of the American people to fight for their rights.

Let’s not forget that this investigation was instigated by a Democrat, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. It’s abundantly clear that this is nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt against a man who fought tirelessly for the American people. The investigation was triggered by a completely legitimate phone call between Trump and Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, where concerns about election fraud were raised. But of course, the Democrats can’t stand the fact that Trump had the audacity to question their victory.

It’s not surprising that the court dismissed Trump’s petition, claiming it doesn’t meet the “extremely rare circumstances” required to invoke the court’s original jurisdiction. This is just an excuse to avoid taking a stand against the unjust investigation and to protect their pals on the Democratic side. It’s yet another example of the biased judicial system we have in this country.

Trump’s attorneys have raised legitimate concerns about the violation of grand jury rules by Willis. It’s clear that she is manipulating the system to target Trump and his allies. They filed a petition in March, requesting that this partisan probe be halted, but Judge Robert McBurney has yet to rule on it. The fact that a fair decision is taking so long speaks volumes about the state of our justice system.

While this ruling doesn’t prevent other judges from ruling in Trump’s favor, it’s disheartening to see Georgia’s highest court refusing to stand up for justice. It’s almost as if these judges have an agenda to keep this baseless investigation going in order to tarnish Trump’s legacy and prevent him from making a comeback in the future.

It’s clear that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is determined to pursue indictments against the former president, regardless of the lack of evidence. Her relentless pursuit of this partisan agenda will only further divide the country and damage our democracy. We can only hope that the judges who truly value justice and fairness will see through this sham and put an end to this politically motivated witch hunt. The American people deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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