
GOP Governors Rally to Crush Biden’s Border Blunders

Republican governors from all corners of the country are throwing their support behind Texas Governor Greg Abbott as he takes on the Biden administration’s attempts to weaken the power of the Texas Rangers in detaining and deporting illegal migrants.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota are leading the charge, pledging to send resources to back up Abbott’s fight at the southern border. DeSantis scoffed at the notion that states should be powerless in defending themselves against an invasion, pointing out that Texas wouldn’t have joined the union if that were the case. Noem, an ally of former President Donald Trump, agreed, insisting that the chaos created by the Biden administration at the border has put Americans in danger and amounts to an unconstitutional dereliction of duty.

Meanwhile, Gov. Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma and Gov. Bill Lee of Tennessee have also voiced their support for Abbott, with Stitt declaring that Oklahoma stands with Texas and Lee vowing to stand by the Lone Star state.

Abbott has taken a bold stand by mobilizing the Texas National Guard in defiance of orders from the Biden administration to back off and let federal authorities handle the situation. The Department of Homeland Security has even threatened legal action against Abbott over Texas’ seizure of Shelby Park near Eagle Pass, an area known for illegal border crossings. The Lone Star state has fired back with a countersuit after federal authorities removed razor wire meant to deter crossings along the Rio Grande.

Abbott has made it clear that the federal government has a duty to enforce immigration laws and it’s been failing to do so. He emphasized that the framers of the U.S. Constitution never intended for states to be at the mercy of a lawless president who turns a blind eye to external threats.

However, Democrats have accused Abbott of exacerbating the surge with his actions, likening his approach to that of former President Donald Trump. Rep. Greg Casar and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke have criticized Abbott, claiming that he is violating the Constitution and endangering both U.S. citizens and asylum seekers. O’Rourke has even gone so far as to call for Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard in response to Abbott’s defiance.

As tensions escalate, House Republicans are gearing up to impeach Secretary Mayorkas, citing a dereliction of duty on constitutional grounds in dealing with the border crisis.

In the face of intense opposition, Abbott and his conservative allies remain resolute in their fight to defend the sovereignty of their states and stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Written by Staff Reports

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