
Gov Sununu Weighs Bills Impacting Transgender Athletes and Youth Medical Care

A transgender athlete named Maelle Jacques has been winning titles in girls' high school track in New Hampshire; however, this may shortly change. Two bills, House Bill 1205 and House Bill 619, are currently under consideration by Governor Chris Sununu. These bills would impact transgender athletes and transgender medical procedures for individuals under the age of 18.

House Bill 1205 is a Fairness in Women's athletics measure that would prohibit boys from participating in school athletics for girls in grades 5-12 based on their biological sex at birth. This law has been approved by both Republican-controlled houses without any Democratic votes. If HB 1205 is signed by Gov. Sununu, New Hampshire will become the 25th state to prohibit male-born athletes from participating in female scholastic sports at the secondary or collegiate grade level.

House Bill 619, which is also awaiting the governor's decision, prohibits genital gender-reassignment surgery for individuals under the age of 18. Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project, is of the opinion that the governor should find it straightforward to execute these bills, particularly given the widespread belief among the American populace that males should not participate in female sports and that children should not undergo sex-change procedures.

Protesters have entered the statehouse in Concord and chanted outside the governor's office, brandishing LGBTQ flags, to urge him to make the appropriate decision. They contend that proposals of this nature are superfluous due to the limited number of transgender athletes participating in scholastic sports in New Hampshire.

Maelle Jacques, a transgender athlete, has been a dominant force in the girls' track and has achieved numerous high finishes. In sixth grade, Jacques underwent a gender transition and is presently a member of the girls' team. Advocates for transgender athletes contend that the boys' team is an unsuitable option for them due to the mental distress they experience from being compelled to adopt a persona that is not their own, as well as the bullying and threats they receive.

The political legacy of Governor Sununu will be significantly influenced by his decision regarding these measures. These proposals address critical concerns regarding the rights and opportunities of transgender athletes, as well as the fairness and inclusion of scholastic sports.

Written by Staff Reports

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