
Greene Exposes Dems’ Panic & Distract Tactic: Trump Rising, Biden’s Garage Secrets!

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a firebrand conservative, issued a scathing statement following the indictment of President Trump. In her statement, which was posted over images of Trump’s announcement on Truth Social, she asserted that Democrats are undoubtedly anxious when they witness Trump’s packed rallies and overwhelming poll numbers every week. They are, according to her, consumed with anxiety at the thought of Republicans claiming victory in 2024.

Greene alleges that Democrats’ corruption and web of crimes are so intricately interwoven that they suffer headaches, sweats, and insomnia resulting from continuous think tank sessions. Meanwhile, they strive to invent bogus accusations to harass innocent people in the Trump orbit. She cites as an example the recently released FD-1023 form from the FBI’s most trusted informant, which provides a detailed description of then-Vice President Joe Biden receiving $5 million to fire Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin because he was investigating Burisma. She claims that Biden’s son, Hunter, also benefited financially from the deal.

Greene claims that Joe Biden has classified documents everywhere, even on his garage floor beside the opening and closing garage door, but the FBI and DOJ are too corrupt and complicit to act against him. According to her, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are profoundly corrupt, and their actions are ultimately a disgrace to the American people.

Greene insists that Republicans will be victorious in the general elections of 2024 and eventually win the war against Democrats. She argues that Democrats’ confected Boxes Hoax indictment of Trump is an attempt to distract Americans from the millions of dollars they received in bribes from foreign nationals. She concludes that President Trump will be back in the White House, and Joe Biden will have to share his cell with Hunter.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, also issued a statement that echoed the views of many conservatives. According to him, the occurrence of the Biden Bribe and Trump’s indictment simultaneously cannot be a coincidence. He referred to the Boxes Hoax indictment against Trump as phony and intended to divert the American populace from the fact that the Biden crime family had taken millions of dollars in bribes from foreigners. He concluded that Joe Biden would share his son’s cell since this scheme would not succeed.

In summary, Marjorie Taylor Greene believes that Democrats are corrupt, and Republicans are the only hope for America. She supported President Trump and believes that he will regain the presidency in 2024. The Republican Party must win the war against Democrats.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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