
Hunter Biden Attends State Dinner Amid Legal Battles

Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, made an appearance on the guest list for the White House state dinner for the Kenyan President. He was joined by his daughter, Finnegan, while his wife, Melissa Cohen, attended without him. The whereabouts of Hunter Biden during the event were not confirmed, as Ms. Cohen did not respond to questions from reporters.

The dinner took place as Hunter Biden is preparing for legal trials on gun and tax charges. He recently filed a request to postpone his trial on gun charges, which is scheduled to begin next month, after his previous motions to dismiss the case were rejected by a three-judge panel. Hunter Biden faces allegations of purchasing a gun while using illegal narcotics and falsely submitting a form about his drug usage when buying a revolver in 2018. He has pleaded not guilty to these charges.

Additionally, Hunter Biden is set to go to trial on federal tax charges in California next month. Similar to the gun charges, he has pleaded not guilty in this case as well. These legal matters come as Hunter Biden was invited to the White House state dinner, where he was among the many high-profile guests celebrating the visit of the Kenyan President.

Sara Biden, the wife of President Biden’s brother James, who was reportedly involved in Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals, was also on the guest list for the dinner. As Hunter Biden continues to navigate his legal challenges, his appearance at the White House event has drawn attention.

Written by Staff Reports

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