
Kamala Harris Labeled Liability as Biden’s Approval Wanes

Joe Biden’s “work wife” might need a new job. Vice President Kamala Harris, once touted as the president’s supportive sidekick, is now more of a cumbersome ball and chain, and American voters are taking notice. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, Harris isn’t exactly winning the Miss Popularity contest.

Let’s break down the numbers. Harris is seen as “very unfavorable” by 43% of likely voters, while only 21% see her as “very favorable.” Ouch. That’s not the stats you frame and hang in your office. Adding salt to the wound, 49% of respondents believe she’s doing a worse job than recent vice presidents. This comes when Biden’s approval ratings are far from stellar, making his number two look more like a liability than an asset.

The survey also revealed that Harris doesn’t make much of a splash when it comes to voter influence in the upcoming 2024 election. Forty-three percent said she doesn’t affect their vote, but 29% said she hurts Biden’s chances, compared to 25% who think she helps. These numbers suggest that Harris isn’t swinging any votes in Biden’s favor regardless of her title and might be nudging them in the opposite direction.

Harris’s journey from aspiring president in 2020 to vice president struggling with her portfolio has been rough. Critics point out her failure to perform in her assigned roles, primarily as Biden’s so-called “border czar.” Her recent tasks involve reaching out to Democratic women and Black voters to discuss abortion policy – two groups that the Democrats can’t afford to lose in 2024.

Some Democratic insiders, encouraging Biden to step aside, agree that Harris isn’t the knight in shining armor either. Rasmussen’s title for their analysis sums it up: “Kamala Harris: Voters Still Don’t Like VP Very Much.” And it doesn’t stop there. A McLaughlin and Associates survey indicates that while Trump tops Biden 46%-44%, he would beat Harris by an even more significant margin of 47%-42%.

The takeaway is straightforward: Joe and Kamala are hardly Washington’s dynamic duo. With Biden facing increasing pressure to step aside and Harris proving less favorable even among their party, perhaps it’s time for the Democrats to look for new candidates altogether. Because these two certainly aren’t winning any popularity contests.

Written by Staff Reports

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