
Katz Kicks Out Crooks: Queens DA Nails Nefarious Squatters

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz is showing those thieving squatters in Gotham that their days are numbered! Lance White-Hunt and his partner in crime, Rondie Francis, thought they could just waltz in and snatch up a Jamaica duplex that didn’t belong to them, but now they’re in hot water. The rightful owners of the duplex had put it up for rent, and these crooks had the audacity to try and claim the property as their own. But thanks to the tough stance of District Attorney Katz, their plans were foiled.

This is just the kind of no-nonsense approach that’s needed to put these squatters on notice. They think they can get away with taking what doesn’t belong to them, but not on Melinda Katz’s watch! It’s a small victory, but it’s a step in the right direction in the battle against these brazen lawbreakers.

It’s important to send a message to squatters everywhere that their days of freeloading off honest, hardworking property owners are numbered. With prosecutors like Melinda Katz cracking down on their illegal activities, these squatters had better think twice before trying to snatch up someone else’s property. The American dream is about working hard and earning what you have, not stealing from others. And thanks to tough law enforcement officials like Melinda Katz, that dream is being protected. Keep up the good work, District Attorney Katz, and keep those squatters in check!

Written by Staff Reports

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