
Kinney County Grapples with Crime Surge Amid Biden Border Policies

In the land of Kinney County, things are really heating up – and not in a good way! Illegal immigration is causing quite the stir, and the residents are not pleased. The good folks there have seen a massive spike in criminal charges ever since President Joe Biden took office. Now, we all know Biden loves his executive orders, but it seems like his border security policies might be causing more harm than good. 


Under President Donald Trump in 2020, Kinney County was chillin’ with just 134 criminal charges. But fast forward to 2021 and beyond, and bam! The numbers skyrocketed to nearly 3,000 in 2021, 6,800 in 2022, and a whopping 5,800 in 2023. That’s a whole lot of trouble brewing in this small Texas community.

The county attorney, Brent Smith, spilled the tea at a House Budget Committee hearing. He mentioned that the county usually runs on a $6 million-dollar budget – no biggie, right? Well, thanks to Biden’s open border policies, they had to fork out an extra $10.5 million to beef up their criminal justice system. That’s a whole lot of moolah coming out of the hard-earned cash of Texas taxpayers.

And it’s not just the dollars that are hurting the locals. Public schools, first responders, and law enforcement agencies are feeling the strain. Smith even dropped the bomb that two Kinney County residents lost their lives because emergency medical services were tied up dealing with migrant crossings. It’s a sad reality when Americans take a backseat to illegal immigrants.

The Del Rio Sector, where Kinney County lays its hat, has witnessed a staggering 200,000 migrant crossings from October 2023 to March of this year. That’s a whole lot of strangers knocking on the door! It’s no wonder the folks in Kinney County are feeling the heat and crying out for help.

So, while John Binder reported all the nitty-gritty details over at Breitbart News, it’s clear as day that Kinney County is in the hot seat. Let’s hope someone turns down the temperature before things really start to boil over.

Written by Staff Reports

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