The ongoing saga of Hunter Biden resumes as it was revealed that the president’s son had some unkind words for his step mom and the first wife Jill Biden in a series of text messages that were leaked.
The text conversations of Hunter Biden have just been uncovered by The Sun. In these messages, Hunter Biden expresses his contempt for Jill and says that even when he is drunk, he is wiser than she is.
The uncovered messages were found on an iPhone that had been backed up on Hunter’s laptop. The computer was where the communications were discovered.
It was reported that the leaked conversation occurred between Hunter and Hallie, widow of Beau Biden, who Hunter was seeing at the time.
In yet another message to his uncle, Hunter complained that his biological father supposedly hadn’t seen him during any of his previous stints in rehab.
On the fourth of July, pictures were taken of Hunter and Jill arriving at Fort McNair together with Joe and Hunter’s family to celebrate Independence Day. Even though he insulted Jill quite a few times throughout the conversation, there was one point when he expressed regret for his words.
This hostility appears to have been stoked by Jill Biden’s suggestion that the alcoholic and drug addict former lawyer check himself back into rehabilitation.
The preceding article is a summary of a news story that first appeared on OANN.