
Left’s Witch Hunt: Trump’s “False” Election Claims Not So Baseless After All?

In his never-ending drive to bring charges against former President Donald Trump, Special Counsel Jack Smith has come up with another false claim. This time, Smith is saying that Trump spread false poll claims on purpose, even though officials told him there was no proof. Smith bases one of his claims on a claim from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that there was no proof that voting systems in the 2020 election were hacked. But wait a minute, because the Department of Justice recently went after two Iranian hackers who broke into a state election computer, stole voter information, and scared Republicans, Trump campaign workers, and even Democratic voters during the election. So much for the claim that there was no proof of voting fraud!

It's clear that Smith's charge is wrong and doesn't hold water. Not only does it rely on comments from CISA that are hard to trust, but it also ignores the fact that the Department of Justice was actively looking for hackers who messed with the election and wanted to charge them. If the federal government saw enough evidence of computer-based voting fraud to charge people, then maybe Trump's claims are true after all.

But that's not the end of the problems with this charge. On page 32 of the indictment, it says that Vice President Mike Pence didn't have the power to throw out voters and that his job was just for show. But history tells us something different. In disputed elections, Vice Presidents like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Richard Nixon have used their power during the counting ceremony to make important choices. So why did Congress feel the need to change the Electoral Count Act of 1887 in 2022 if the law was so clear and Pence's part was purely symbolic? It looks like Trump's comments about the Vice President's power hit a nerve, which led to this change.

The whole idea behind this accusation falls apart when you look at it more closely. Jonathan Turley, a well-known law professor, even criticised Special Counsel Smith by saying that this was the first time someone was charged with spreading false information. Turley said that a lot of the charge could be turned into haiku if you took out everything that the First Amendment protects. He also said that Smith's words about the January 6th riot didn't match up with the fact that he didn't bring provocation charges against Trump. Smith's press appearance was clearly meant to make people think he was guilty even though there wasn't much evidence to back it up.

Again, the left wants to get rid of Trump at any cost, even if that means lying, ignoring facts, and ignoring constitutional rights. This charge is just a political witch hunt that will only make our country even more split. It's time to stop making these false charges and start focusing on things that really matter to the people of the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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