
Michigan Madness: U-Mich Throws Cash at Entrepreneurs!

Attention all patriots and liberty lovers! In a shocking turn of events, the University of Michigan’s Poverty Solutions team has decided to shower 100 low-income entrepreneurs in Ann Arbor, Michigan with monthly payments of $528. That’s right, folks, they are just handing out cash like it grows on trees!

This “Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor” program has been causing quite the stir, as some hardworking Americans scratch their heads in disbelief at the irresponsibility of giving away hard-earned taxpayer dollars. It seems like the folks behind this program are just throwing caution to the wind and saying, “Here, take some free money!”

According to sources, this two-year pilot program started in January and is set to issue payments on the 15th of each month. But hold on just a minute – since when did it become the government’s job to hand out money to struggling entrepreneurs? Last time this reporter checked, America was the land of opportunity, not handouts!

The program was open to those who identified as entrepreneurs, small business owners, independent contractors, and gig workers in various industries. They also had to be residents of Ann Arbor, at least 18 years old, and have an income at or below 225% of the federal poverty line. If that isn’t a recipe for government dependency, then this news writer doesn’t know what is!

It’s no wonder some hardworking Americans are shaking their heads at this so-called “guaranteed income pilot.” When did it become the responsibility of the government to ensure the success of entrepreneurs? Last this writer checked, success was earned through hard work, not through handouts.

So there you have it, folks. The University of Michigan’s Poverty Solutions team is getting a little trigger-happy with taxpayer dollars, all in the name of a so-called “guaranteed income pilot.” But don’t be fooled – there’s nothing “guaranteed” about this handout! Let’s hope these entrepreneurs use this money wisely and don’t become dependent on government aid.

Written by Staff Reports

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