
NY AG Jeered by Firefighters, Trump Chants Erupt at Ceremony!

New York Attorney General Letitia James faced a rowdy crowd at a recent New York Fire Department event, receiving loud boos and even chants for former President Donald Trump. The event, held in a church in Brooklyn, aimed to celebrate the promotion of 65 uniformed members, 29 members of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and 34 civilian employees. However, as soon as James took the stage, the audience made their disapproval known, likely stemming from her recent legal victory against Trump.

In response to the boos, James urged the crowd to calm down and show respect in the house of God. But the audience’s support for Trump was unmistakable, as some began chanting his name during her remarks. Despite the disruption, FDNY Chief John Hodgens emphasized that the unruly behavior did not represent the department as a whole, calling it an embarrassment and not fitting for the prestigious fire department.

The tensions between James and the crowd can be traced back to her civil fraud case, which resulted in a significant legal blow to Trump and his organization. New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ordered them to pay over $350 million in damages and banned Trump from conducting any business in New York for the next three years. This controversial ruling has clearly left a sour taste in the mouths of some New Yorkers, and their passionate response to James’s appearance reflects that.

The Washington Examiner’s attempt to get a comment from James’s office was met with silence, highlighting the lack of accountability and transparency from her camp regarding the divisive actions and legal maneuvers that have stirred up such strong reactions. As this saga continues to unfold, it’s evident that the political divide in New York remains as fiery as ever, with public displays of dissent and support serving as a stark reminder of the deep-seated polarization within the state’s population.

Written by Staff Reports

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