
PA Voters Slam Fetterman’s Fiasco: Senator’s Approval Plummets!

In a recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, it has been revealed that 50 percent of Pennsylvania voters strongly disapprove of Senator John Fetterman’s job performance. Only 39 percent of respondents approve of Fetterman’s handling of his duties, with a mere 10 percent remaining undecided.

Unsurprisingly, Fetterman received higher ratings from Democrats compared to Republicans and Independents. A whopping 79 percent of Democrats approved of his job performance, while an abysmal eight percent of Republicans and 31 percent of Independents viewed him favorably. Additionally, men were more likely to express their dissatisfaction (58 percent disapproval) compared to women, who were slightly less critical (43 percent).

On the other hand, Fetterman’s fellow Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey, fared much better in the poll. Casey earned a positive approval rating of 44 percent, with only 32 percent disapproving and 24 percent offering no opinion.

The survey interviewed 1,584 registered Pennsylvania voters between June 22 and June 26, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

As RedState has extensively reported, Fetterman, who stands a towering 6’8″ tall, faced numerous challenges during his campaign against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz. After suffering a massive stroke in 2022, Fetterman experienced auditory processing difficulties, causing him to struggle in understanding certain questions and respond incoherently. During their sole debate, Fetterman relied on a 70-inch television with closed captioning to decipher the questions posed to him. He later blamed technical glitches for his poor performance, which the network strongly denied.

It is worth noting that the media downplayed his issues and, unfortunately, he managed to secure a victory against Oz. However, Fetterman’s struggles did not end there. Barely a month into his first term, he sought treatment for clinical depression at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in February.

Upon his return to work in mid-April, Fetterman made concerning appearances, exhibiting ongoing cognitive issues. Nonetheless, his staff seems unfazed, as they continue to propagate leftist tweets without addressing his evident challenges.

Let’s be clear: this critique is not aimed at ridiculing someone who is ill or mocking their medical issues. However, those who pushed a person in Fetterman’s condition to run for office and downplayed his challenges deserve criticism. A man in his condition has no business holding such a powerful position as one of the 100 U.S. senators.

Speaking of cognitive challenges, the numbers were equally unkind to President Joe Biden. An overwhelming 57 percent of Pennsylvanians disapprove of his job performance, with only 39 percent offering their approval. Unfortunately, this comes as no surprise, given the recent bridge collapse in Philadelphia, where Fetterman met with the president. As my colleague Bonchie highlights, the interaction quickly descended into chaos. Sporting his gym attire yet again, Fetterman and Biden struggled to articulate coherent statements, stumbling on their words.

It is disconcerting to witness two of the most influential men in the country struggle to complete a sentence. One can only wish that Pennsylvania voters had paid closer attention during the November 2022 elections.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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