
Pelosi Touched Down And Is Alive

On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, arrived in Taiwan. She was defiant in the face of warnings from Beijing. Speaker Pelosi is still with us and in good health. We express our thanks to you for it.

The Chinese capital of Beijing will react in some fashion. They are not allowing any imports from Taiwan at this time.

Mrs. Pelosi is the highest-ranking official from the United States to visit the island in the last quarter of a century. Beijing says Taipei is China. It would appear that Biden is in agreement.

On Wednesday, Pelosi is scheduled to meet with the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, as well as parliamentarians from Taiwan's self-ruled democracy.

In the event that Mrs. Pelosi goes through with her plan to visit Taiwan, Chinese officials, notably the leader Xi Jinping, have threatened unspecified retaliation in the form of countermeasures. This took place in a phone chat with President Biden last week.

Pelosi, who suffers from dementia, needs something similar to this in order to maintain her position as Speaker of the House in light of the fact that AOC is right on her heels.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Independent Sentinel.

Written by Staff Reports

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