
Ramaswamy Unveils SCOTUS Dream Team, Ted Cruz Included

Unleash the elephants! Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has just dropped a bombshell by releasing a list of potential Supreme Court justices he would recommend as president. And guess who made the cut? None other than the infamous Senator Ted Cruz, a conservative warrior who’s not afraid to take on the left! It’s a match made in political heaven, folks.

But that’s not all – Ramaswamy’s list includes an all-star lineup of conservative champions. Senator Mike Lee, a staunch defender of the Constitution, also made the cut. Ramaswamy couldn’t have picked a better crew if he tried. These are the people who will protect our freedoms from an overreaching federal government that wants to trample all over our rights. It’s like assembling the Avengers, but for the Supreme Court.

In a bold move, Ramaswamy declared that he’s releasing the list to show voters some good ol’ transparency. We’ve had enough shady politicians sneaking around in the dark, making backroom deals. Ramaswamy knows that in order to truly represent the people, you have to lay it all out on the table. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. It’s refreshing to see a candidate who’s not afraid to let the sunlight in.

Ramaswamy is a man who knows the importance of defending the Constitution. He handpicked individuals who share his unwavering dedication to the principles of originalism and a constitutionalist judicial philosophy. These are the folks who won’t legislate from the bench or stifle our freedom and truth. They’ll stick to the Constitution like glue and protect our rights with unyielding fervor. It’s music to a conservative’s ears.

Notably, the list includes pro-life justices who will defend the sanctity of life. Judge Lawrence Van Dyke, Judge Lisa Branch, and Paul D. Clement are all champions for the unborn. Ramaswamy is standing up for the most vulnerable among us and giving a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves. It’s a courageous move that’s sure to earn him points with conservatives nationwide.

This transparent move has given Ramaswamy’s campaign a much-needed boost. He’s been climbing up the polls, inching his way closer to the top. And rightfully so! We need a leader who will put the Supreme Court front and center, just like former President Donald Trump did. Ramaswamy is challenging the other GOP candidates to step up and show the American people their true colors. It’s time to lay the cards on the table and let the voters decide who will protect our rights and uphold our conservative values.

So let the battle begin. Ramaswamy has fired the first shot, and it’s an explosive one. With his list of potential Supreme Court justices, he’s shown us that he’s serious about defending the Constitution, protecting life, and keeping the administrative state in check. He’s proving himself to be a true conservative warrior, ready to take on the left and fight for our freedoms. And that’s exactly the kind of leader we need in the White House. Game on!

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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