
Saudi Arabia Seeks Biden’s Backing for Nuclear Program and Weaponry

Hot off the press! Saudi Arabia has its eyes on the nuclear prize and is looking for a high-five from the leftist President Joe Biden. The Saudis are batting their eyelashes at the U.S., hoping for help to build their own nuclear program. They even want to cozy up to Israel in the process – now that’s what you call multitasking!

During a pow-wow between U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (try saying that three times fast), the idea of Saudi Arabia getting nuclear energy came up. But hold on to your cowboy hat, because the deal isn’t quite a done deal yet. It seems like the U.S. official isn’t popping the champagne cork just yet, saying it’s not as easy as catching a cold.

Now, this isn’t just about Saudi Arabia getting some fancy nuclear reactors. They also seem to have their eyes on some snazzy F-35 fighter jets and other shiny weapons from the good ol’ US of A. In the midst of all this talk about nuclear power and new toys, there’s also a casual chat about the ongoing situation in the Gaza Strip. Is it just us, or is this meeting like a political soap opera with multiple plot twists?

Oh, and let’s not forget that this whole shebang is part of Biden’s plan to keep Saudi Arabia from shopping for weapons in China’s aisle. It seems like Biden is trying to make things frosty with Saudi Arabia, handing out the cold shoulder and warming up to Iran instead. Will this nuclear deal be the olive branch that brings Biden and Saudi Arabia back into a buddy cop movie sequel?

You see, Saudi Arabia has been eyeing nuclear development for a while now. Back in the day, they even shook hands with China over a plan to build a nuclear reactor. But fast forward to today, and it seems like that plan went up in smoke. Maybe now, with a little help from their friends in the U.S., Saudi Arabia can finally light the nuclear candle and join the big leagues.

So there you have it, folks! Saudi Arabia wants to join the nuclear club, and they’re hoping President Biden will be their ticket in. Will this be a match made in political heaven or will it fizzle out faster than a sparkler on the 4th of July? Only time will tell in this nuclear soap opera of international relations!

Written by Staff Reports

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