
Senate’s 2023 Shockers: Brawls, Tapes & Tearful Goodbyes!

Whew! What a rollercoaster year it’s been in the Senate! From near-brawls to sex tape scandals, the upper chamber has been one wild ride. Let’s break down some of the biggest moments that rocked the Senate in 2023.

First up, we have Sen. Tommy Tuberville from Alabama. This guy made headlines for his showdown with Democrats over his hold on senior military promotions. Tuberville was not playing around when he took a stand against the Pentagon’s abortion policy. He put holds on over 440 military officers to protest the policy, and let me tell you, it caused quite a stir. But in the end, Tuberville backed down to avoid a vote on a rule change, saying he was fighting for the unborn and the military. Talk about making a scene, am I right?

Then, we have Sen. Markwayne Mullin from Oklahoma, who nearly came to blows with a witness at a Senate hearing. Things got heated when Mullin and the witness exchanged some not-so-friendly words, and it almost turned into a physical altercation. 

And who could forget the Senate hearing room scandal? A sex tape scandal rocked the Senate when explicit footage was published showing two men getting busy on the dais of a Senate hearing room. The Daily Caller got a hold of the steamy material, and let’s just say it caused quite the commotion. The staffer allegedly involved in the scandal was swiftly fired, and the U.S. Capitol Police launched an investigation. 

Sadly, the Senate also faced the death of its oldest member, Sen. Dianne Feinstein from California. The 90-year-old senator battled health issues and faced questions about her mental acuity. Her prolonged absence due to shingles raised concerns about her ability to continue serving in the Senate. 

Sen. Joe Manchin from West Virginia, the centrist Democrat made waves when he announced he wouldn’t seek reelection. Instead, he plans to travel the country and try to bring Americans together. With the 2024 Senate elections on the horizon, Manchin’s decision has sparked speculation about his political future. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was busy tackling artificial intelligence regulation in 2023. Schumer organized a series of discussions to educate his colleagues about AI and signaled his intention to introduce legislation on the matter. 


Written by Staff Reports

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