
Texas Ropes in Illegals: No Free Pass in Abbott’s Wild West!

Attention, fellow patriots! Grab your cowboy boots and ten-gallon hats because the Lone Star State is cracking down on illegal immigration like never before! That’s right, y’all, we’re talking about Texas, where the law-abiding citizens are as tough as a Texas longhorn.

Abdoul, a 32-year-old from West Africa who thought he could just waltz into the United States without facing any consequences. Before heading to the liberal paradise of New York City, this fella found himself in a Texas jail on trespassing charges. 

Texas is not messing around. Starting in March, new laws will allow the Lone Star State to arrest migrants who enter the state illegally and give local judges the power to boot them right out of the country. 

According to Governor Greg Abbott, it should have scared off those lawbreakers real quick. the numbers just keep on climbing. Even Sheriff Tom Schmerber in Maverick County, where Abdoul crossed the border, can tell you – they’re still coming through.

Governor Abbott has a plan. He’s phasing out these trespassing arrests and ramping up illegal entry charges that can be enforced all over the state.

Operation Lone Star, a $10 billion border mission led by Governor Abbott himself. This guy is serious about stopping the flood of illegal immigration. We’re talking buses filled with migrants being sent to Democrat-led cities, razor wire along the border, and even buoy barriers on the Rio Grande.

Now, some bleeding-heart liberals may argue that these arrest tactics are attracting more migrants, but the Texas Department of Public Safety is having none of it. They’ve arrested over 37,000 individuals, including gang members, human traffickers, and sex offenders. 

And in case you were worried about the little ol’ town of Eagle Pass, rest assured that Mayor Rolando Salinas has got it covered. He may have faced some backlash, but he’s standing firm in support of these operations because, let’s face it, Eagle Pass needs all the law enforcement it can get.


Written by Staff Reports

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