
Shock Report: Majority of Trans Women Convicts in a Single State Found Guilty of Sex Crimes

According to documents obtained by the Oversight Project of The Heritage Foundation, more than half of the men currently incarcerated in Wisconsin as "transgender women" have committed sexual assault. 50.3% of the 161 transgender women incarcerated in Wisconsin have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse, which is shockingly high. These crimes include, among others, Sexual Assault of a Child, Sexual Exploitation of a Child, Child Trafficking, Bestiality, Sexual Intercourse Without Consent, and Forced Viewing of a Sexual Act.

This disturbing evidence highlights the dangers of allowing males who identify as women to be housed with female prisoners. The director of the Oversight Project, Mike Howell, is adamant that only males should be housed in prisons. He argues that placing sex-offending males posing as women in the same cells as women not only compromises the safety and dignity of female inmates, but also contributes to the perception of a moral decline in the United States. According to Howell, the purpose of prison should be punishment, not to encourage deviant behavior.

Unfortunately, Wisconsin is not the only state that houses biological males in female correctional facilities. Previously, Townhall reported on a male assassin who identified as transgender and was sent to a women's prison, where he is accused of preying on other inmates and receiving preferential treatment. Demi Minor, a male prisoner in New Jersey who purported to be a woman, was ultimately responsible for impregnating two female inmates at a women's correctional facility. These incidents illustrate the dangers posed to women when we prioritize the comfort and emotions of males over their safety and well-being.

It is time to address this escalating problem and put an end to the ridicule of America's moral values. Women have the right to feel secure and protected, particularly within our correctional system. It is imperative that we reevaluate our current policies and place the needs and safety of female inmates ahead of the demands of males posing as women.

Written by Staff Reports

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