
Shocking Poll Reveals Christie as GOP’s Least-Loved Contender!

According to a recent survey by the Morning Consult, the most disliked candidate in the crowded Republican presidential field is none other than former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Ouch! Talk about a tough break. This comes as no surprise, as Christie has been consistently polling in the low single digits, making it hard for him to gain any traction in the race. But what’s really interesting is the reason behind his unpopularity.

Christie has been making opposition to former President Donald Trump a centerpiece of his campaign. He recently agreed with CBS News that Trump is a “threat to democracy” and even stated that he will not be supporting him if he secures the nomination. Now, I don’t know about you, but attacking the most popular candidate in your own party doesn’t seem like the smartest move. You might as well just throw in the towel, Christie.

But let’s get back to the survey. It’s no surprise that Trump continues to dominate the Republican field. I mean, love him or hate him, you can’t deny his popularity. In fact, he boasted the highest favorability rating among Republicans, with a whopping 71 percent of respondents giving him positive marks. That’s pretty impressive. And coming in second place is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, with a respectable 63 percent favorability rating.

Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for the other candidates either. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who used to be Trump’s right-hand man, is the second most disliked candidate in the field, with 39 percent of respondents indicating an unfavorable view of him. Now, this might have something to do with the fact that Pence has been relentlessly attacking his former boss since an indictment was announced in connection with objections to the 2020 election. Talk about biting the hand that fed you, Pence.

Overall, this survey just confirms what we already knew: Trump is still the king of the Republican Party. And those who dare to challenge him, like Christie and Pence, are facing an uphill battle. So, good luck to all the candidates out there. You’re gonna need it.

Written by Staff Reports

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