
Trump Exposes Biden’s Lies on Crime, Left Twists Truth!

President Joe Biden’s lackeys at the reelection campaign were up in arms over former President Donald Trump’s accurate portrayal of the heinous crime committed by Venezuelan illegal immigrant Jose Ibarra, who is accused of brutally murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley. During a rally in Michigan, Trump rightfully labeled Ibarra as an “illegal alien animal,” highlighting the Democrats’ soft stance on illegal immigration.

The Biden-Harris HQ shamelessly cherry-picked a clip of Trump’s speech, conveniently removing the crucial context where he specifically referred to the alleged killer as an “illegal alien animal.” Typical liberal trickery to manipulate the narrative and deceive the public into thinking Trump was maligning all immigrants, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

In his speech, Trump unequivocally stated, “They’re not humans. They’re animals,” in reference to criminals like Ibarra, who have no regard for American laws or human life. Yet, instead of acknowledging the gravity of the situation, the Biden-Harris reelection campaign shamelessly twisted Trump’s words to fit their false narrative, further proving their blatant disregard for the truth and their willingness to defend illegal immigrants over American citizens.

Conservative voices on social media were quick to call out the Biden camp’s deceitful tactics, with many pointing out the edited video clip failed to capture the full scope of Trump’s remarks. Comedian Tim Young and former Trump advisor Stephen Miller were among those who exposed the campaign’s dishonesty, highlighting how the Democrats and their media allies consistently push fake news to paint Trump in a negative light.

Republican Rep. Byron Donalds also joined the chorus of truth-tellers, denouncing the mainstream media’s false portrayal of Trump’s comments as yet another attempt to undermine his credibility. Once again, the left’s obsession with twisting the facts to fit their agenda was on full display, proving that no lie is too big when it comes to smearing their political opponents.

Written by Staff Reports

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