
Whoopi Goldberg Goes BANANAS With Ridiculous Rant About Republicans

Whoopi Goldberg’s recent remarks on ABC’s “The View” have sparked a heated debate among conservatives and liberals alike. In her comments, Goldberg accused Republicans of being “snowflakes” who are unable to handle the presence of drag queens, people of color, and women in society. She also claimed that Republicans are attempting to erase black history.

This latest attack from Goldberg is yet another example of the left’s attempt to demonize conservatives and paint them as intolerant and oppressive. It is clear that Goldberg is attempting to use her platform to push her own political agenda and demonize those who disagree with her.

The truth is, conservatives are not snowflakes who can’t handle drag queens, people of color, or women. Conservatives are simply people who believe in traditional values and principles. They are people who believe in the importance of family, hard work, and personal responsibility. They are people who believe in the importance of respecting our nation’s history and preserving our culture.

It is also important to note that conservatives are not attempting to erase black history. In fact, many conservatives are actively working to preserve and celebrate African American history. For example, President Trump recently signed an executive order to create a national monument honoring the legacy of Frederick Douglass. This is just one example of how conservatives are working to recognize and celebrate African American history.

The left’s attempt to demonize conservatives as intolerant snowflakes is nothing more than a political ploy. It is an attempt to distract from the real issues facing our nation and divide us along partisan lines. We must reject this type of divisive rhetoric and instead focus on finding solutions to the problems we face.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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