
Biden Admin Tries to Twist EMTALA for Abortion Agenda

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! They’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes with their extreme abortion agenda, this time by twisting a 38-year-old federal law to fit their pro-choice narrative. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) has always focused on providing life-saving care for both a woman and her unborn baby, but now Biden’s lawyers are trying to argue that it mandates abortion, even if state laws say otherwise. Can you believe it?

It’s absolutely bonkers that the Biden administration is trying to distort the clear language of EMTALA to push for unrestricted abortions. They’re basically erasing the words “unborn child” from the law and claiming it only applies to born persons. It’s like they’re playing a game of make-believe with federal regulations!

And now they’re taking their radical interpretation of the law to the Supreme Court, suing states like Idaho that have pro-life laws in place to protect unborn children and their mothers. They’re spreading misinformation and lies about women’s health, all in the name of advancing their abortion agenda.

If they succeed in reinterpreting EMTALA to require abortion, it could have disastrous consequences for all the pro-life laws across the country. Imagine the chaos in emergency rooms if doctors are forced to ignore the unborn child in life-threatening situations! It’s a scary thought, but that’s exactly what the Biden administration is pushing for.

We’ve already seen the damage done by the flawed Roe v. Wade decision, which allowed the killing of millions of unborn children. Now, it looks like Biden is trying to use EMTALA as his new weapon to enforce abortion on demand nationwide. It’s like he’s on a mission to make sure abortion is the answer to every problem.

The Supreme Court needs to put its foot down and reject this twisted interpretation of federal law. EMTALA has always recognized both the mother and the unborn child as patients deserving of care, and it should never be used to mandate abortion. Let’s hope the court sees through the Biden administration’s extreme agenda and stands up for the dignity of unborn children.


Written by Staff Reports

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