
Biden Defies Trump Criticism, Signs 10-Year Security Pact with Ukraine

President Biden reached an agreement to provide security assistance to Ukraine for the next decade, despite criticism from his political opponent, former President Trump. Trump argued that the money should be spent on increasing the salaries of American troops instead. However, Biden remains committed to providing support to Ukraine, signing a 10-year security agreement with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized that this agreement sends a strong message of resolve to Russia. He stated that the coalition supporting Ukraine will not be outlasted by Vladimir Putin, and the long-term commitment outlined in the agreement demonstrates the United States’ unwavering support for Ukraine’s security. Additionally, the agreement includes reforms and end-use monitoring for weapons provided by the United States, further solidifying the partnership between the two countries.

Sullivan highlighted the importance of Ukraine’s security, emphasizing its significance to both Europe and the United States. This sentiment was echoed during a joint press conference held by President Biden and President Zelensky at the Group of Seven summit in Italy. Despite concerns about escalating tensions with Russia, the Biden administration has continued to strengthen its relationship with Ukraine. This long-term support agreement is a direct result of a promise made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to President Zelensky in April, indicating a shift in American foreign policy.

In April, the House of Representatives passed a package that includes $60 billion in support for Ukraine, marking the end of prolonged negotiations over continued funding for Ukraine’s defenses against Russian aggression. Former President Trump’s remarks on Capitol Hill opposing aid to Ukraine come following his first visit since the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, as he prepares to deliver his own address later in the day.

Written by Staff Reports

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