
Biden Honors Son and Stresses Democracy in Memorial Day Speech

President Joe Biden, during his Memorial Day address at Arlington National Cemetery, took a moment to remember his son Beau, who passed away nine years ago. He expressed his ongoing grief and honored the sacrifices made by military families. President Biden emphasized the significance of democracy and paying tribute to those who have served.

Beau Biden, a former Delaware state attorney general and a major in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, tragically lost his life to brain cancer at the age of 46. President Biden has attributed his son’s cancer to exposure to toxic burn pits during his service in Iraq, where he was awarded a Bronze Star Medal.

In his address, President Biden indirectly referenced former President Donald Trump by emphasizing the importance of democracy and honoring the commitment of service members. Earlier in the day, Biden hosted a Memorial Day breakfast at the White House and participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with Vice President Kamala Harris, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

During the wreath-laying ceremony, military leaders highlighted the enduring legacy of fallen heroes and the responsibility to uphold the freedoms for which they fought. They emphasized the importance of defending democracy and honoring the sacrifices of those who have served.

Before his Memorial Day address, President Biden spent time with his late son’s widow, Hallie Olivere, in Delaware. The president’s heartfelt tribute to Beau Biden and his recognition of military sacrifices resonate deeply with the conservative perspective on honoring the military and upholding democratic ideals.

Written by Staff Reports

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