
Biden Misleads in CNN Interview, Economy Claims Clash with Voter Reality

In a recent interview with CNN, President Joe Biden made statements about the economy that raised some eyebrows. The interview aired on Wednesday and lasted just under 17 minutes, during which the New York Post counted 15 misleading statements from the president.

Biden claimed to have “already turned [the economy] around” and that “the polling data has been wrong.” Even CNN’s chief national correspondent, John King, who is known for his support of Democratic policies, voiced concern about Biden’s comments. King acknowledged the positive statistics about the economy but stated that many voters he had spoken to did not feel the same way.

He explained that voters in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan are concerned about the cost of living and groceries, despite the president’s claims about economic improvement. King’s comments reflect the disconnect between the positive economic numbers and the lived experiences of many Americans.

It is evident that Biden’s message about the economy is not resonating with voters, as indicated by the concerns raised by CNN’s own correspondent. This highlights the importance of addressing the real economic challenges facing Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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