
Biden Sneakily Axes Essential Oil and Gas Leases in Dead of Night

This is a different approach. He seems to have decided to end the oil and gas leases in the Arctic. This will have a negative effect on the prices of gas in the US.

The global market is struggling with the effects of high gas prices. This week, Russia and Saudi Arabia announced that they would reduce their production. This is a clear indication that the oil supply is tightening. It’s a shame that President Biden decided to cancel these leases at a time when the economy is in a slump.

According to critics, this move is merely a way for Biden to thank his green donors. Thomas Pyle, the president of the American Energy Alliance, stated that, despite Biden's claims that he cared about the working class, this move shows that he only cares about pleasing his green donors.

This action will have a negative effect for Alaska. The people of the state are used to managing their environment, and they should not be subjected to the federal government's overreaching. Senator Murkowski and Senator Sullivan should fight to reverse this decision.

The president's decision to end oil and gas leases within the Arctic Ocean is a misguided attempt to deal with the high prices at the pump. It shows that he is not focused on the needs of American workers and drivers. It's time for Congress to take action and send a strong message to him regarding this issue during the upcoming budget talks.

Written by Staff Reports

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