
“Biden’s China Scandal Deepens: DOJ Misconduct, Missing Millions Exposed”

The Bidens’ China connection just got even more suspicious. On Tuesday, it was revealed that Hunter Biden requested a $5 million payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It was later revealed by the Oversight Committee of the US House of Representatives that Hunter received a $100,000 payment from the same company the day after the text exchange. The committee claims that this is further evidence that the Bidens put China’s interests before America’s.

The chairman of the company in question, Ye Jianming, has close ties to the CCP-intelligence gathering agency and aims to expand China’s reach and influence worldwide. Astonishingly, Hunter Biden appears to have communicated with CEFC associate Gongwen Dong, also known as Kevin, via WhatsApp in August 2017, and praised his family for doing exactly what the chairman wanted.

While President Joe Biden claims to have had no involvement or knowledge of his son’s business dealings, allegations of direct interference by the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) surfaced last Thursday. Jason Smith, a representative of Missouri, revealed that U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf told IRS investigators that a search warrant for evidence would not be approved if the evidence was to be found in the guest house of former Vice President Biden. Smith’s whistleblowers also claimed that the DOJ intervened and overstepped by denying U.S. Attorney David Weiss the chance to charge Hunter Biden for tax liability on his payments in 2022 and 2023 and by leaking crucial information about the investigation to Hunter Biden’s attorneys.

To make matters worse, Joe Biden has not been forthcoming in his answers about his involvement or knowledge of his son’s dealings. Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich asked the President if he had lied about previous discussions with his son on business deals, to which he replied, “No.” These allegations, coupled with President Biden’s evasive behavior and interference of the DOJ, raise significant concerns about the Bidens’ transparency and loyalty to America. It’s time for the American people to demand accountability and honesty from our leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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