
Biden’s Health A-OK at 81? Doc Says “Fit for Duty,” Critics Skeptic!

In President Joe Biden’s latest physical, it has been reported that the 81-year-old is feeling well, with no new concerns popping up during his check-up. The physical took place at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland, just under a year after his last one. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who summarized the physical’s findings, is singing Biden’s praises, declaring him “fit for duty” and capable of executing all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.

Despite concerns about his mental health and memory, the focus of O’Connor’s analysis has been mainly on Biden’s physical health. The White House insists that Biden did not take a cognitive test and does not need one. Biden himself chimed in, joking that they thought he looked too young and noting that there is nothing different from last year.

This physical marks Biden’s third since taking office and comes as he gears up for a potential reelection campaign that would keep him in office until he’s a whopping 86 years old. Given the recent scrutiny of his health, this physical is certainly under the microscope, especially in light of the Hur report’s depiction of the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

The timing of the physical is striking, as it coincides with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s announcement that he will be stepping down from his position in November. McConnell, who was born the same year as Biden, is passing the torch to the next generation of leadership, emphasizing the age factor at play in politics.

It’s no secret that health has always been a hot topic when it comes to presidential figures, and the scrutiny surrounding Biden’s physical and previous presidents’ exams is nothing new. The conservative camp is questioning if the physical’s relatively positive analysis could be too good to be true, especially in light of the skepticism around past presidential physicals.

Written by Staff Reports

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