
Biden’s Repeated Focus on Racism Draws Criticism for Divisiveness

In a recent news article, it was highlighted that President Joe Biden has been circling back to the topic of racism. The article compared this behavior to individuals suffering from dementia who tend to fixate on a few specific topics before returning to the first one. The writer shared a personal anecdote about their father’s experience with dementia, drawing parallels to Biden’s repetitive focus on racism.

The article also criticized Biden for his comments on white supremacy, particularly his labeling of it as the greatest terrorist threat to the country. The writer questioned Biden’s claims by examining the lack of concrete evidence of violent acts committed by certain groups. They also pointed out Biden’s persistent emphasis on skin color in his political decisions, which they found to be condescending to African Americans who are qualified and competent.

Furthermore, the article mentioned Biden’s recent commencement address at Morehouse College, where he allegedly perpetuated false narratives about the treatment of black individuals in America. The writer disputed Biden’s implication that white-on-black violence is a prevalent issue, citing statistics that show a higher rate of black-on-white violence. They also criticized Biden for what they perceived as a negative and demoralizing message to the graduating students.

In conclusion, the writer expressed their disapproval of Biden’s messaging, attributing it to his repetitive focus on racism and potential cognitive decline. They suggested that Biden’s remarks are divisive and paint a bleak picture of race relations in the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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